About me

I’m a science fiction author living in Oregon, way out in the forest surrounded by trees and deer and birds. I received a BA in English from Portland State University in 2008, and I graduated with a BS in Nursing from Oregon Health and Science University in 2014. Until 2022, I worked as a public health nurse for a local health department. I stepped away from healthcare for a better work/life balance, and I now work as a proofreader for an education company here in Oregon.

My love affair with sci-fi began at an early age when I got hooked on Star Trek. As a teen, I read Clarke, Brin, and Pohl and the seeds of my literary journey were planted. I wrote little things here and there as a teen and young adult, but never with the intention to publish.

In my thirties, I discovered a love for reading and writing poetry. I spent years publishing poems to social media, and even landed in a couple of small, local publications. That really gave me the confidence I needed to think seriously about publishing a book. During the covid pandemic I took the plunge, and in September of 2024 I self-published my first book on Amazon, A Thousand Lights In a Sea of Darkness. I’m busy working on my next novel, which will also be released on Amazon.

I believe science fiction should not just be entertaining, but also thought provoking. It should ask grand questions and inspire us to think about life, the universe, and existence. I strive to include those elements in my work. What I love most about writing is the limitless possibility. I get to walk through endless universes and give you all little glimpses of what could be.

I always have my nose buried in a book. I’m an animal lover and have had at various times dogs, bunnies, a parrot, bees, and chickens. I can bake a mean loaf of focaccia bread and pretty dope thumbprint cookies. As far as I’m concerned, nothing beats homemade pizza and a great bottle of wine. In the summer, I garden. I enjoy long strolls with my wife, Kelly (who also does all my artwork), and we both enjoy traveling. I program in my spare time, and know Python and C#. I love learning new things, and really enjoy history, science, and languages.

I know that writing is a journey, and that there will always be room for improvement. Hopefully it’s a journey we can go on together, and with some hard work and a little luck, maybe we’ll both come away better for the experience. Thanks for stopping by. I hope something in my writing resonates with you and inspires you.