Hello, world!
Although my first book has been out in the world for three months, I’m only just now getting around to creating a website. I have established social media channels, but I want a chance to provide deeper insights into my creative process and journey, and the best way to do that is with a website.
Writing is often an isolated, lonely endeavor. I don’t think it has to be. By sharing every hurdle and triumph, my hope is that other writers won’t feel so alone or crazy, and readers will come away with a deeper understanding of what goes into creating a story and self-publishing books.
I’m not a teacher, and I don’t intend to fill this site with a list of rules or do’s and dont’s. If you’re looking for that sort of thing, there are plenty of wonderful books on craft out there I can recommend (future blog post!). What I want to do is talk about my creative process, what inspires me, what I’m learning, and the self-publishing process. Hopefully there’s something interesting and informative you can take away from my musings.
Thanks for checking this place out. I hope you stick around. LLAP!